D&A can help you prepare for an emergency before it happens through our Crisis Management Section. Crisis Management is the application of strategies designed to help an organization deal with a sudden and significant negative event while maintaining business continuity. Crisis Management planning involves the implementation of policies and procedures to defend against, mitigate, and prevent a crisis. Crises can, in turn, lead to additional threats and vulnerabilities that could have a negative impact on the organization, damage its image and credibility, and lead to loss of confidence and revenue through interruption to business continuity. D&A can assist in the development of crisis management tools that prepare your organization to confront emergencies with confidence. At D&A, we focus on understanding your needs and creating holistic crisis management strategies to protect your critical resources and make your business resilient during a crisis situation. Our Crisis Management services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Planning: D&A officers have extensive experience in developing emergency plans that protect your most important assets.
  • Crisis Response/Training: Managing a crisis takes more than having a plan – training is essential to safely navigate an emergency event. D&A can prepare your organization for crisis management through training programs designed to get participants involved in the decision-making process when facing potential real-life crises.
  • Evacuation Planning: Many corporations have a “Duty of Care” responsibility for the safety of their employees. This can include the evacuation of employees from a destabilized area to a safe environment. As recent world events have demonstrated, conflicts can happen anywhere with little notice. Advanced preparation to evacuate or relocate without delay is critical to providing for employees’ safety and well-being. D&A can design comprehensive evacuation plans that prepare you to handle an evacuation situation.