Global Security Weekly Report

For information on events and developments outside of the Korean
Peninsula, we provide a weekly global security report free of charge
regardless of your subscription package. This summary includes
news and updates related to international with headlines from
around the world.

Korean Peninsula Intelligence Summary (KPIS)

D&A provides paying subscribers with exclusive updates
and analyses of the changing trends and security
outlook of the Korean peninsula.

  • KPIS Biweekly Report
    We provide a biweekly intelligence summary on the
    security risks in the Korean Peninsula and the
    movements of the international community.
  • KPIS Monthly Report
    D&A’s analysts also periodically produce in-depth,
    month-based intelligence summaries that report on
    shifts in the Northeast Asian security environment.
  • KPIS Flash Report
    D&A immediately produces and distributes Flash
    Reports in the event of a significant incident likely to
    seriously heighten security conditions—such as major
    provocations, missile tests, and sudden troop movements, etc.

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