D&A security professionals will review and test your security program to identify vulnerabilities and deficiencies and offer mitigation strategies. Security programs are comprised of physical and procedural security features to protect employees, facilities, and information from potential risks and rely on support from employees to follow established policies. Assessing the effectiveness of a security program is a sound management principle that tests the program and identifies vulnerabilities. D&A can assist in strengthening your security program by conducting a physical Penetration Test of your facilities. What is a physical Penetration Test? A physical Penetration Test is an assessment and test of the physical and procedural security controls of a facility. The Penetration Test involves an analysis of security features such as doors, locks, camera systems, security guards, guard orders, company IDs, and security policies. Our skilled officers then test your security systems by attempting to bypass security controls and gain access to various parts of your facility. D&A’s Penetration Test consists of three phases: 1. Information Gathering: In this preliminary phase, publicly available information on the organization is collected and analyzed to gain a basic understanding of security features and possible vulnerabilities which are openly identified. 2. Reconnaissance: This phase consists of surveillance of the organization’s facilities with emphasis on evaluating facility operations, employee actions, and security infrastructure from an offender’s standpoint. The reconnaissance phase is a passive activity that can reveal weaknesses in the security program which are then incorporated into the actual Penetration Test. 3. Penetration Test: Accumulated data obtained in phases 1 and 2 is used to develop a customized Penetration Test to exploit potential vulnerabilities in your security program and gain access to the facility. D&A works closely with your team to ensure testing is coordinated and does not interfere with business operations. Upon completion of the test, we provide our findings that identify weak points and reinforce areas that performed well. Our goal is to provide you with feedback that assists in the mitigation of shortcomings, which can then be incorporated into your overall security program to increase resiliency.